The Little Things

Mehrin Afrin Aysha
2 min readAug 15, 2021


When someone’s head is on your shoulder, do you ever put your head over theirs just to secure it so that their head doesn’t tilt? Perhaps when they are sleeping, and it’s just your way of making sure that, they are comfortable?

Do you often hug someone a little longer, or a little tighter without saying anything, just to let them know why letting go is never easy?

Are you one of those people who cross the roads keeping your loved ones beside you while you face the surging traffic?

It’s The Little Things

Do you also tend to tear up when you see someone cry?

When you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, do you also make sure if the person sleeping next to you has their blankets properly tucked in?

Do you make the same old excuse of being full or not liking a food just to give your loved one the last bite of their favorite food?

Do you hold someone by their elbows and not by their palms while walking because it makes you feel closer to them?

Was there a time when you were all ears for someone despite you yourself breaking down?

Do you try to make someone laugh when they are crying or having a breakdown?

Do you also notice the smallest details of someone’s existence, how they gesture their hands or when they shrug at something, when their eyes become restless, what makes them sad, what lifts them up, how they move their hair if it falls over their faces, topics they love to discuss about, places they love to visit?

Did you ever pretend to like something just for the sake of not hurting someone’s feelings?

Whether it’s in the car, bus, or any transportation, do you always make sure that the other person is comfortable even if you aren’t?

Can you also differentiate between a smile that is purely from joy and one that’s from pain?

Are you one of those people who tend to look at their loved one in a room full of many when a joke cracks up, just to see if they’re laughing too?

Do you tend to keep notes of the little things someone likes, dislikes or really appreciates?

Or when someone shares something they are passionate about, do you look it up and research on it just to be a little closer to their soul and understand where they are truly coming from?

When you share an umbrella with someone, do you stay restless in making sure that they have enough covered and aren’t getting drenched, even if that means you are?

At the end of the day, it’s always the little things, that make life worth living.

