The Artist in You

Mehrin Afrin Aysha
3 min readFeb 5, 2020


I always had a knack for learning new things, partly because of my undying determination to always do something more today than I did yesterday. I always took every experience as what they termed- “blessing in disguise”, whether it was participating in the relay race back in 5th grade without ever being even closely associated with sports activities, or standing up to audition for singing and embarrassing myself later on in front of the whole class during the cultural week, the list just goes on. Nothing ever stopped me from going out to experience and discover whatever the world had to offer.

The willingness and determination also ran in my family, as both my parents would always look out for opportunities I could grab, to discover things I might be good at/can be good at. From that exact follow-through, came the opportunity to attend a 3 months long recitation workshop and voice articulation class, back when I was in 9th grade. My mother read about the workshop on one of the dailys’ and my father immediately flew to collect the application form before the deadlines closed. And with that, a new chapter was already in the making that shaped my journey to date throughout.

During your early teens, you’re bound to be attacked with the thought of not being “good enough”, for at least once. And perhaps that exact thought leads you to unearth things even you didn’t know you loved doing! I never knew I could love reciting a poem so much, never thought I could be nearly as good as my mentors deemed me to be in this art, never imagined I could perform in front of hundreds of people in a pin-drop silent auditorium, where all I could hear was my voice, rhythmic echoes, and a fine-tune flute to complement it all. Where all the stage lights were on me and how wonderfully none of it ever made me any less confident.

I’d laugh it off if someone came up to me earlier and told me that I too, was good enough. I cannot stress enough how important it is to associate yourself with activities that are well-aligned with your hobbies, dreams, passion, and beyond. Even if you’re yet to figure out all these variables, don’t miss out on the opportunity of knowing new people along the process, or trying out new colors and brushes that just might help bring out The Artist in You.

Go out pursuing that volunteer program you were just called to, that conference all your friends are hyped to attend, the open-mic event you discovered while scrolling down Facebook, the upcoming sports event your surroundings are talking about! You’ll never regret having that one extra thing to talk about/ look back to/ cherish while reminiscing the journey of becoming who you’ll grow to be.

