A Love That’s Relentless

Mehrin Afrin Aysha
3 min readJun 6, 2021


A love that never gives up.

Now when you say how relationships these days don’t possess the same level of depth like they used to before, because people can replace people in the shortest span of time, I know where you are coming from. It’s plain sailing to meet people online, get in touch and mutually spark an immediate light that seemed to be missing in the dark tunnel where you lived and start something from that onwards.

But, if you think about it, this ‘ease of reaching out’ makes it easier for the ones in search of relentless love. It’s easier to filter out who stays and sticks around during the storm, despite the available ‘easy way out’. Social Media actually made it easier to really stand on a pedestal and see who fights the tough fights, despite always having the option to call the quits.

Because, there’s always that one relentless kind of love, that never gives up. Despite the ease in reaching out to a pool of eligible bachelors/ ladies existing on the web who are just a ‘hey’ away from mingling with. And to be blatantly honest, there’s nothing sexier than a love that is relentless.

We all love differently. We have some of our own intricate ways that signify the expression of love, absolutely exclusive from one another. But, when you fail to make your significant other understand those nitty-gritty ways in hopes that, they will just innately comprehend and see through you, that is when you are putting your heart in jeopardy. Because chances are, they won’t walk the way, or even try to read the unspoken.

Also, with social media constantly preaching the ‘non expressing’ and ‘distant’ behavior as sexy, the love in you just never finds the right environment to bloom, the right path to channel through to someone’s heart.

I won’t give up on us

Despite all that, once in a while, someone will stop by your life without notice and understand your intricate ways of loving, even when you yourself find it difficult to express. Even when you are having a hard time finding your intricate ways, they will be patient with you and work on finding it together. The relentless love that is supposed to walk in, will find ways to radiate its warmth one way or the other. Relentless love will be patient during the most destructive storm and will deny to let go. It will wait with a bandaid to put where it hurts the most, and help pick up pieces after a catastrophe that leaves the most delicate parts of you shattered.

When things get extremely difficult, this love will deny giving up on you. Relentless love will always look at you and make you believe that nothing is beyond repair. Because the power Relentless love centers around can fix even the most ruthless worldly problems, establishing itself as something larger than life.

Some of us grew up with the notion that love was supposed to be exactly like this. But, that’s not entirely the case in most scenarios today due to the ‘ease of reaching out’. So, when someone chooses to fight for you despite having the ‘easy way out’ readily available at the easy reach of social media, you can visibly reckon with the love that your heart craved so much, no matter how long it takes to reach.

Two Puzzle Pieces That Fits

Relentless love is when you know you are a world worth fighting for, when someone holds you tight and never for a second, lets you feel otherwise. Wait for someone to bring the right piece of the missing puzzle that fits your heart. Because the right one will go to lengths to have it curved if required, to fill the longing gap and make your heart, whole.

https://youtu.be/ouEezpuPc3A — A song that perfectly echoes with this write-up, enjoy!

You can reach me at mehrinafrinaysha@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you!

